The theatre was really small. There is only about 10 rows, and the room was flat and non-sloping, which meant that you get full view of the head of the guy infront of you. For once, I was actually glad for that.
I think I get freaked out during horror shows because I can almost imagine myself being in the poor victims' shoes.
After a while, I think the movie kinda grow on me. Basically, the movie is about some dude who goes around setting up contraptions for bad people to put themselves into where they have to choose between death or cutting off an appendage, either of which they truly deserve. I think the show, and its prior prequels, is about karma or more specifically that karma doesn't exist though people think it does, and the only karma is the kind you put into your own hands.
Karma doesn't exist. It's really just a myth.
I'm indignant. You can live your life the best way you should, but as always, it's the scummy garbage that gets what you deserve, and they're probably laughing at you about it.
So yeah. I was not afraid during the show because I know I will never find myself in the trap to be judged. I will be the judge.
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